Casella di Posta


all music

  • la stazione di pescara
    for symphony orchestra (1997) - – Tp/Glock Archi

  • ardo si ma non t'amo
    for two violins, cello and harpsicord (1998)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • il canto dell'anima
    for soprano, violin and piano (1999)
    lyrics by davide remigio
    universal edition AG, wien

  • canti abruzzesi
    for soprano, chorus of treble voices and orchestra of winds (1999)
    popular lyrics and by Giovanni Cirillo - Tp/Gc/Glock

  • canti europei
    for chorus of treble voices and orchestra of winds (1999)
    popular lyrics - Tp/glock
    universal edition AG, wien

  • vento cosentino
    for soprano and string orchestra (2000)
    lyrics by francesco saverio perri
    universal edition AG, wien

  • marcia quaternaria
    for two harps (2000)
    version for soprano, violin, accordeon and piano (2000)
    version for little orchestra of winds (2000) - - Tamb/Gc/Trg
    universal edition AG, wien

  • ave maria
    for soprano solo
    popular lyrics (2000)

  • via tiburtina
    for soprano, clarinet, glockenspiel, piano, violin and cello
    lyric in language Rom by Santino Spinelli (2000)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • la danza dei mandjiagai
    for piano solo (2000)
    casa musicale sonzogno - milan

  • il curioso dei suoni
    action musical (2000)
    libretto on texts popular australian
    ensemble. narrator, 4 bells by hands and piano

  • cinque poesie
    for narrator, four little bells by hands and piano (2000)
    lyrics by carlo lizza

  • il piccolo elian
    fable musical (2001)
    libretto on texts popular
    ensemble. Tot/Tamb/Ps/Trg/Glock archi.
    universal edition AG, wien

  • al piccolo victor
    model improvvisation (2001)
    for any instrumental
    chiola music press, bruxelles

  • corso manthone
    for violin, bandoneon and piano (2002)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • nelle dolci auree estive
    for two sopranos, contralto and harpsicord (2003)
    lyrics by pietro bembo
    universal edition AG, wien

  • marlene
    opera in two acts and nine parts (1994-2004)
    libretto by Carlo Vitali
    (contemporary sources: 1927-1992)
    characters. Marlene Dietrich, S.lir - Joseph Von Sternberg, T.lir - Rudolph Siber, Br - Joseph Goebbels, T.dram Maria Riva, S.leg - Mercedes, Ms - James Gabin, T - Burt Bacharach, T.lir - Willy Brandt, Br Doganiere, Bs - Fattorino, Bs - Speaker, Br - Soldato, Bs
    chorus. Attori, giornalisti, invitati, militari, spettatori, folla berlinese
    orchestra. Tp/Gc/Tt/Ps/Tamb/Tbl/Tot/Glock/Vibr cel, arp, strings

  • ninna nanna
    for piano (2004)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • clarinets
    clarinet ensemble (2005)
    2 picc.- 8 S. - 1 A. - 2 Bs

  • teak
    for bass and piano (2005)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • postcard to mozart"
    for large symphony orchestra (2006) - - Tp/pt/Trg/T.t/Glock Arp Cel Pf Archi
    universal edition AG, wien

  • lo sguardo interiore
    second quartet for string (2007)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • gli strilloni del foro
    for flute, oboe, clarinet and basson (2007)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • canti lucani
    for soprano and wind orchestra (2008) - - Tp/Glock/Xil/Trg/2 Ps/Tamb/Gc/T.t

  • orizzonti sonori
    musical action in three parts (1980-2008)
    libretto by author (the history of Pescara city)
    ballet company. two dancers
    instrumental ensemble. historian, soprano, Tp/Tmb/Gc/2Ps/Trg/Tt/Mar/Glock and 2 pianos

  • concerto
    for accordeon and orchestra (2008) - - Tp/glock/2 Ps/Tamb/T.t - strings

  • courage
    for soprano and piano (2009)
    minus song n. 13
    lyric by davide remigio
    version for soprano and orchestra - - Tp, glock /Tam.g - strings
    casa musicale sonzogno, milan

  • saxes
    for sax ensemble (2010)
    australian autumn music, melbourne
  • bis
    for flute and harpsichord (2010)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • polish landscape
    for piano (2011)
    casa musicale sonzogno, milan
  • distant
    for viola, bandoneon, basso and piano (2011)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • prelude
    for flute, accordeon and cello (2012)
    universal edition AG, wien
  • benedictus
    for chorus (2012)
  • casa musicale sonzogno - milan
  • quando le primavere
    for piano four hands (2012)
    by orizzonti sonori opera
    universal edition AG, wien
  • hands
    for piano and two pianists (2012)
    universal edition AG, wien
  • le tettone del foro
    for violin, marimba and bass clarinet (2012)
  • da tempo t'aspettavo
    madrigal for alto, tenor, bariton, bass, clarinet and cello (2012)
    lyric by Luigi Pruneti
    universal edition AG, wien
  • psalm
    for soprano, narrator, trumpet and organ (2012)
    lyric by psalm 151
    universal edition AG, wien

  • i canti degli ainur
    for narrator, clarinet and cello (2013)
    text by marijana kvesic
    universal edition AG, wien

  • bari prom
    for solo piano (2014)
    universal edition AG, wien
  • the beauty spot
    for solo flute (2014)
    universal edition AG, wien
  • lord piccinni
    for trumpet and orchestra (2014)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • wonders
    for eight cellos (2015)
    universal edition AG, wien
  • ricercare
    for solo cello (2015)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • trasformation
    for violin and cello (2016)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • ritual
    for solo guitar (2017)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • sijo
    for sopran, violin and cello (2018)
    universal edition AG, wien
  • gardens
    for sax quartet and four percussionists (2018)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • signori badate a questo passo
    for chamber orchestra (2019) - - strings
    universal edition AG, wien

  • sonata
    for clarinet and piano (2020)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • cantando il silenzio
    for soprano, alto, tenor and bass (2021)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • pasolinian clouds
    for chorus and large orchestra (2022)
  • postcard to Felix
    for string orchestra (2022)
    universal edition AG, wien

  • alcor
    for solo oboe from "ciclo astrale" (2023)
    universal edition AG, wien


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